Thanks for your thoughtful response. I appreciate any feedback, especially ones that invite challenging conversation.
My point of view on this topic has been forged over a long period of time from the spiritual, philosophical, experiential, practical, and political arenas. As such I find a lot of people who pay attention to politics get very caught up in a binary way of thinking. You're either a Democrat, or Republican...or sometimes an Independent. It's taken for granted that if you care you participate as a voter and do your democratic duty.
What gets ignored/dismissed is the fact that there are other perspectives outside of that limited binary. One of them is Anarchy. I'm an anarchist when it comes to government, in that I know without a doubt that you can't have a just and fair society at the same time that you have a centralized government. It's in the word. You can't have freedom and be governed. You can't have ascension and be governed. If you submit your free will to the people on the TV, and allow those Service to Self people operating in a Service to Self system, you are not helping the ascension, you are actively resisting the ascension in yourself and in others.
I completely agree with your second paragraph. The Service to Others path is the one I'm choosing to polarize to as explained by the Law of One transmissions. As such, I have been removing my energy and attention from those systems that are clearly Service to Self. The State (our government) is Service to Self. If you read my entire article here you'll see that I explain that any choice within the Service to Self system of the State is a choice for fascism as fascism has long been established as the modus operandi of the State. To ascend to heart chakra consciousness (which is what the ascension is, has nothing to do with leaving this world on a cloud or whatever), it's imperative that we "leave service to self systems behind."
If you are in a toxic relationship with a narcissist, and you come to that realization that you're with a narcissist, the healthy thing to do is leave the relationship. The unhealthy, toxic thing to do is stay in the relationship in an attempt to "fix" it. There is no fixing a person or a system that has long ago made the decision to polarize to Service to Self. Any energy you put into that relationship will only feed the system or toxic person and drain you. That's what the system wants - your attention. Your attention gives it legitimacy and power. Power over you. Not power with you.
If you are giving your attention to those who want nothing but power over you (which is EVERYONE involved with the State) then you are doing the Service to Self's bidding and delaying the ascension on a personal and universal level. You aren't putting attention on creating a better world.
I hardly every write about politics. This article is pretty much the only political leaning article I've written on Medium. I much prefer to spend my energy on people, communities, systems, etc. that are building a heart-centered world. But every four years I see spiritual teachers and mediums and light workers, etc., getting caught up in the drama and lies of mainstream media and the government. So I thought I'd send a message directly to them.
I agree with the angels as you've described them and their apolitical loyalties. Maybe because, like you and everyone else, we are angels - beings of light who agreed to come to this density to help elevate the frequency to the fourth density (Heart Chakra consciousness). You aren't elevating the frequency when you choose to put your energy in low-frequency Service to Self systems.
You ARE elevating the frequency by imagining (on your own and with others) a heart-centered world. THAT is WHY we are here. It's not escapism. Its MANIFESTATION!!!!
What does a heart-centered society look like? Imagine it every night before going to bed and every morning when you wake up. I can assure you, there's not a single person in the DNC or RNC that is imagining a better heart-centered world. They are only there to emphasize the inverted third chakra energy of how to gain and maintain power over others. That is Service to Self consciousness.
I implore you to please put your light worked channelling energy and focus and attention in MANIFESTING a better world.
Remove your energy from the Service to Self system.
Thanks again for your response and your work. And please consider my words.