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The Magician’s Strength is to Slay Devils
You are not your mind, so what do you have to lose?
Welcome Tarot Lovers, & Spiritual Explorers To another episode of Builders of the Light Web.
I’m your Guide, Damian Sebouhian.
Today in the second episode of our series called The Way of the Cosmic Magician; Navigating the Seven Stages of Spiritual Unfoldment, I will reveal in detail how, by understanding the relationship between the three Major Arcana Tarot keys pictured here, the aspirant may free herself from mental bondage and begin the exciting adventure of slaying the devils of the mind.
These ideas come from a specific matrix of the Major Arcana first developed by legendary Spiritual alchemist Paul Foster Case, founder of the mystery school Builders of the Adytum (or BOTA).
The BOTA Tarot is slightly different from the more popular Rider-Waite deck. Dr. Paul Foster Case was a contemporary of Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith, the developers of the Rider-Waite deck that burst onto the metaphysical scene over a hundred years ago in 1909.
However, Case, working with artist Jessie Burns Parke, changed what he claimed were mistakes or “blinds” on the part of Waite. Thus was created the BOTA Tarot deck.