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Through a Scanner Gnostically, Part Two: Upgrading from NPC to PC
How Dungeons & Dragons is the ideal analogy for describing the Spiritual War and our role within it.
NOTE: You can find the video reading of this article HERE
The Elevator Pitch & the Bus-Ride Pitch
This is my elevator pitch, my thesis for this article: The human is to her Higher Self as a Player Character (PC) in a game of Dungeons & Dragons is to the person playing her, or the avatar of a video game is to the person playing the video game.
In other words, I, as Damian Sebouhian, am the avatar, or the PC that my Higher Self is playing from beyond this dimension. This is the case with everyone.
When we look at this dynamic through a gnostic lens, the elevator pitch expands into more of a bus-ride pitch — it takes a little more time to express it.
We are pure light beings known as Aeons who have made agreements with other Aeons to come “down” into this dimension known as the material world of earth to play the grand adventure of saving the world and the beings therein from the destructive programming of separation consciousness and to restore our connection with heart-based consciousness.